powerapps lookup incompatible types for comparison

If you want to compare the Status as Number, please use below formula:Sort(Filter('[dbo]. Create native mobile apps with wrap . We can't evaluate your formula because the values being compared in the formula aren't the same type. For example, when you start an app that shows a Gallery control filled with data, only the first set of records will be initially brought to the device. I have seen this error a few times so far, and every time it seems to happen out of nowhere. [RequestTrail]', Text(Active) = "1" && DateValue(Text(TransactionDate),"en") >= DateValue(Text(AuditTrailFromDatePicker1.SelectedDate))&& DateValue(Text(TransactionDate),"en") <= DateValue(Text(AuditTrailToDatePicker1_1.SelectedDate)) ),SequenceNo, Ascending). For types of activities that you know about, you can show their type names and type-specific information about each activity. See working with tables for more details. You can take the app for Customers and modify it for Faxes. All activity tables and activity-task tables have an implied relationship. A great place where you can stay up to date with community calls and interact with the speakers. Everything worked well with Randy's solution involving behavior properties. 1 Answer Sorted by: 0 I'm assuming the error is related to the LookUp () functions. In the example above, I started to change variable name, and Ive noticed quickly that the error was gone. Using Variables in a component is a bad idea if you will have more than one instance of your component in the app. The left value is a OptionSetValue(Status Reason(Opportunities)) type and the right value is a text type.". eg. The visibility of the popup component is when these two properties do not equal each other, which should evaluate to false on startup, thus making the popup not visible. Rachmaninoff C# minor prelude: towards the end, staff lines are joined together, and there are two end markings. So far, all of the Regarding examples have been based on activities, but the Notes table represents another case. RE: How to join two tables in Powerapps. At this point there is a bug in components that has gone on for too long, which is that the components share variables across instances - this includes controls in the component. It's only on startup that it doesn't want to work right. First I have added a button control. You can also create your own custom activity tables. By using the global disambiguation operator, you ensure that you're referring to the table type in IsType and AsType. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This table has a polymorphic Regarding lookup column, which can refer to Accounts, Contacts, and other tables. Add a second gallery, resize it, and then move it to the right side of the screen. So you are correct. You must first dynamically determine the table type with the IsType function and then use .Field notation on the result of the AsType function. Unlike Filter and LookUp, the Search function uses a single string to match instead of a formula. See the delegation overview for more information. The data type is Unique Identifier . On the Properties tab near the right side of the screen, set the gallery's Items to Accounts. A Customer lookup field can refer to a record from either the Accounts table or the Contacts table. Any help would be much appreciated. As of this writing, you can't change the value of the field with a form control. I still had the problem that the component was not evaluating the output value correctly -- it showed it as false to begin with, which should have made the component not visible at startup. rev2023.3.1.43266. The LookUp function finds the first record in a table that satisfies a formula. Building Power Apps PowerApps lookup function returns error: Incompatible types for comparison Reply Topic Options Amilah Regular Visitor PowerApps lookup function returns error: Incompatible types for comparison 06-08-2021 08:29 AM Hello, First time posting here. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers. For example, this function works: Filter(Requests, ReqStatus="Submitted", Approver1=varUserName) true/false. However, any formula that refers to a control by its name fails if the control has a different name. The Regarding lookup column differs a little from those that you've already worked with in this topic. In any case, from what I can work out, the src files created by the tool are a derivative of the underlying code used by make.powerapps, not the actual execution code. Can you confirm that your Active field in the db table is a Number field? Keep up to date with current events and community announcements in the Power Apps community. You can't read or filter based on the Regarding column, and you can't set the column by using Patch. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I'll keep poking around and look into behaviors. After I render the popup not visible, I click the ellipses by App in the navigation menu and click Run OnStart, but it doesn't suddenly become visible. If it is Yes/No field, then you need to send data in the form of boolean i.e. We can't evaluate your formula because the values being compared in the formula aren't the same type. Set its text property to Create Table. I want to filter the available choices for a LookUp field on my edit form. All entities within CDS have a GUID primary key field to uniquely identify each record. This is because today, PowerApps expects the filtered/searched fields to be text fields. Regarding differs from Owner and Customer because the former involves a many-to-one relationship. Power Platform Integration - Better Together! As of this writing, canvas apps don't support activity parties. Set the OnSelect property of the button to this formula: The copied Radio and Combo box controls show the owner for the currently selected account in the gallery. It really makes components quite worthless in many cases, but, yet it exists. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It doesn't matter if it's opened in edit mode, or just played the way an end user would. Filter and Search return a table that contains the same columns as the original table and the records that match the criteria. The examples in the rest of this topic show the results of searching a list, named Customers, that contain this data: To create this data source as a collection, create a Button control and set its OnSelect property to this formula: ClearCollect(Customers, Table({ Name: "Fred Garcia", Company: "Northwind Traders" }, { Name: "Cole Miller", Company: "Contoso" }, { Name: "Glenda Johnson", Company: "Contoso" }, { Name: "Mike Collins", Company: "Adventure Works" }, { Name: "Colleen Jones", Company: "Adventure Works" }) ). To set the currently selected account's owner to the first team: This approach doesn't differ from a normal lookup because the app knows the type of First( Teams ). I have a gallery which has a search box attached to it with the following formula Check out the latest Community Blog from the community! Be mean by all means quarantine that app if you dont like it, When maker portal hides things, admin portal might still reveal them, Fact Check: Modern Advanced Find vs Original Advanced Find, Advisor matching in the integrated virtual agent, Fact Check: Power Platform vs Custom Development. rev2023.3.1.43266. Keep up to date with current events and community announcements in the Power Apps community. Any ideas on how to correct this? The function I used is, LookUp('Department Lookup', 'Team Member'= ThisItem. Repeat the step for other two combo box controls. If you're using SQL you can check out this video: 3. @RandyHayes Yes, I guess I never did make it explicit: I'm trying to set the component's visibility with all of this. I've also tried Filter and Search but they all throw the same error. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Tables that are enabled for attachments have a one-to-many relationship to Notes, as in this example: As of this writing, the Regarding lookup isn't available for the Notes table. Reply Topic Options Big_S Post Patron Incompatible Type. "Options" is the SharePoint list and ParentID is the Lookup Column that pulls data from the Question List Column also named ParentID that is a numerical field. When you create a table, you can enable attachments. Copyright 2020 Dynamic Communities. The lookup can only refer to a record in Contacts and can't refer to a record in, say, the Teams table. So again, I would abandon the output property and utilize a behavior action for what you are trying to do. The "<>" sign in the label formula area has blue lines beneath it, and the error message that shows when I hover over it says, "Incompatible types for comparison. However, when working with canvas apps inside Power Apps Studio, columns in Microsoft Dataverse are referred to as fields similar to all other data sources. Thanks for your help! Is it a Cloud Flow or is it a Web Page? What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? I am wrestling with a simple patch function to update a record based off the value of an text input control. We cant evaluate your formula because the values being compared in the formula aren't the same type. Power Apps will display the type of the variables that you have with the overview of your variable. Second error: Name isn't valid. You also need to add the data sources for the table types that Owner could be (in this case, Users and Teams). We can't evaluate your formula because the values being compared in the formula aren't the same type. This is giving the error: "Incompatible type. Records are coming from the Activity table, but you can nevertheless use the IsType function to identify which kind of activity they are. In the upper-right corner, open the filter list (which is set to Default by default), and then select All. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? Can a VGA monitor be connected to parallel port? You should patch the record of the lookup instead of value. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? So Power Apps is throwing an error at me saying: Incompatible types for comparison. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Make some space near the top of the screen by resizing the gallery and moving the combo box, insert a Radio control above the gallery, and then set these properties for the new control: For the Combo box control, set this property (if the combo box disappears, select Users in the radio control): Copy and paste the Combo box control, move the copy directly over the original, and then set these properties for the copy: The app will display only one combo box at a time, depending on the state of the radio control. What does in this context mean? Canvas record references were designed for working with polymorphic lookups in Dataverse. The LookUp function finds the first record in a table that satisfies a formula. I tried a few other things ended up back here and Volia. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. You can start simply with the Faxes table. On the Properties tab near the right side of the screen, open the Data source list, and then select Accounts. I set up an OnReset action in the component that does the same thing that the OK button does: toggle the component's visibility variable, which controls the output property. Here is the updated code: Community Summit Europe - 2021 Mailing List, Community Summit Australia - 2021 Mailing List. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. As the user types characters in SearchInput, the results in the gallery are automatically filtered. Because the search term is empty, all records are returned. A great place where you can stay up to date with community calls and interact with the speakers. When I clicked it a second time, it set the output value to false again, and now the comparison evaluated to false, and the component became not visible. For SharePoint and Excel data sources that contain column names with spaces, specify each space as "_x0020_". You need a formula that can adapt to this variance. Thank you@RandyHayes! There is a lookup from Links to Applications (column is called Category) I want to be able to click on an application and show its associated links. The Patch function knows that the Owner field can be set to either of these two table types. T-Mobile saves thousands of hours and achieves 12x gains in process efficiency with Power Platform. Building Power Apps Incompatible Type. Conversion to integer failed because "Request" and "Aproved" can not be converted to type interger. How is your Output property defined in the component? how to do it? Move the copied controls to the right of the gallery. This still leaves the question of why the initial value of the output property, though being shown as false, was not being evaluated, requiring it to be changed in order to become "real." I am basically trying to show all the items from the second list that are tied to the item being displayed from the first list. These types cant be compared in the formula: Table, Text. On the button control Onselect property I have created a Table and stored the Table value inside a Variable. but need the search function to remain intact any assistance with the formula would be welcome. Insert a Label control into the custom card, and then set the label's Text property to the formula that you used in the gallery: For each selection in the gallery, more fields of the account, including the record's owner, appear in the form. As a case in point, take filtering, which you'll explore in this section. A LookUp () instead of Filter (): If ( IsBlank (Trim (DataCardValue2.Text)), "An App ID is Required", CountRows ( LookUp ( 'Johanna Test List', 'App ID' = Trim (DataCardValue2.Text), ID ) ) > 0, "Duplicate ID not allowed", "" ) 2. If you select the check box for enabling attachments, you'll create a Regarding relationship with the Notes table, as this graphic shows for the Accounts table: Other than this difference, you use the Regarding lookup in the same manner in which you use activities. Canvas apps also support record references. @RandyHayesIt is defined by a Boolean variable, which is toggled when the OK button is clicked. How to create a simple unsubscribe page without breaking a sweat. In canvas apps, you often work with copies of records downloaded from data sources. If so, I would highly recommend using a behavior rather than an Output property for this. ProjID is the name of the text input control. It would be nice to get that problem solved with something in the component, so that the rather kludgy way of resetting it doesn't have to be employed. In this case, you don't always know what columns will be available. Use LookUp to find a single record that matches one or more criteria. There are several functions - LookUp, Filter, AddColumns, ShowColumns - that can get you where you need to go. Many operations on record references are identical to working with records. My code is: Filter ( Choices ('Care Cards'.bcs_Project), bcs_projectid in Filter (Opportunities, 'Status Reason' = "Open").bcs_projectid) This is giving the error: "Incompatible type. How do I turn the number to a record to display all the options for the Parent? This step returns the filtered list of faxes for a given account. Kao uses Power Apps to boost frontline worker efficiency by 480 hours every month. Of those columns, Subject is one of the most interesting. One of the entries in the Patch needs to be further delineated - it is at the record level and needs to drill down further to the field level. Open Power Apps Studio and create a new blank canvas app. You can update the Owner field in the same manner as any other lookup. I'll post again here if I discover anything. To add this functionality, we add a gallery control to a screen and set the Items property to the following formula: The left value is a Record and the right is a Record.' The left value is a Record and the right value is a number. Duplicate the component, reference that component from test screen checking the component properties, all in order. It doesn't seem to be a problem with App.OnStart. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. LookUp(Table*, Formula [, *ReductionFormula* ] ). Sorry about that. LookUp returns only the first record found, after applying a formula to reduce the record to a single value. Thanks for any assistance you can offer! Accounts, Contacts, and many other standard tables are so designated (again, under More settings). Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? You'll start by applying the patterns that this topic described earlier, and then you'll learn other tricks. Insert a gallery control, resize it, and then move it to the left side of the screen. I left that property, copied it to a new property (funcZ) with exactly the same formula, and changed all references (ie. I'm calling a table from database to display in power-apps table below is my formula and provided attachments. The right value is also Boolean, as Power Apps says: But the comparison can't be completed because of the incompatible types error. "Incompatible type. The comparison between the input and output values does seem to work. Such a reference can refer to a record in any table. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups, Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. I replicated the formula in my app and it seems like the date filter works just fine. I tried the first formula i got this error, below I used gallery to view the data for checking database connection only.The second formula no error but no display. I found a few things, including a way to make my component work as intended. This graphic shows a simple gallery of Accounts, where the Accounts table has been added to the app as a data source: Throughout this topic, the graphics show some names and other values that aren't part of the sample data that ships with Dataverse. If you delete and add a control of the same type, the number at the end of the control's name changes. For example, specify "Column Name" as "Column_x0020_Name". If it's of that table type, the AsType function casts it to a Team record. You cannot compare records in PowerApps, so you will need to compare the unique value of that record. Because you don't know the type of a record reference until the app is running, you can't use the simple .Field notation directly. 103K views 4 years ago Microsoft Power Apps Tutorials In this video, you will learn how to Office 365 Search Users with PowerApps. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Check out the latest Community Blog from the community! So in my App.OnStart, I included the statement Reset(component) twice, to duplicate clicking the OK button twice. Thanks! In Power Apps there are different types of variables. At this point, you can access all the fields of the Teams table, including Team Name, by using the .Field notation. These types can't be compared Number,Text. You can get a little fancier by supporting filtering by either a user or a team. The following is the OptionSet settings from the CRM Solution screens, in my scenario, all my optionsets will begin from the number 860530000, this is part of the initial configuration for the Solution and the partner that is creating the solution, with the prefix and other settings. I am attempting to set an error message on a datacardvalue when the App ID selected already has an existing row in my SharePoint list. GCC, GCCH, DoD - Federal App Makers (FAM). In your case, it would look somewhat like the expression below: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! On the View tab, select Data sources: An important difference for Regarding is that it isn't limited to Accounts and Contacts. Also, it doesn't matter how many times I toggle the value of boolApprPopupVisible, which controls the input property; the popup stays visible. Contact FAQ Privacy Policy Code of Conduct. You can confirm that by going to sharepoint list, insidecolumn settings. I am customizing a SharePoint form in PowerApps. Instead of Accounts, use [@Accounts]; instead of Contacts, use [@Contacts]. You can show this table by turning on All in the upper-right corner to remove the filter from the list of tables. Besides the normal formula operators, you can use the in and exactin operators for substring matches. Table2 contains my data. If you show the relationships for the Accounts table, all the tables that can be a source of a Regarding lookup field appear. You can show all activities by changing only one line in the previous example. You can feed the result of a Search function into the Filter function (or vice-versa). When you collect the CDS data source into the collection, you can add the fields from the related (lookup) entity using AddColumns function. Microsoft Dataverse supports relationships between records. Whether the light is on or off is not determined by the up-down position of either light switch, but by the combination of both of them: if they're both up or both down, the light is on, and if one is up and the other is down, the light is off. Try to wrap the Param("ID") in a Value() function to convert it from text to string. Looking at the list of variables, I noticed that CurrentContact is of the Error type: Not that it was very useful, but, to make it somewhat worse, I also found a different screen where the error was a little more precise: If youve seen it before, maybe you can leave me a note since Id be really interested to know whats happening there. Its preset cruise altitude that the error was gone Request '' and Aproved... Other questions tagged, where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide Power! 12X gains in process efficiency with Power Platform to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the,. 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powerapps lookup incompatible types for comparison